What’s happening here?
I’m wondering what exactly is happening here. This is not a new experience though. It’s pretty much how I feel every time I start working. I’ve come to recognize this question as part of my process. It’s not always comfortable, but it’s useful.
So, what IS happening here?
I’m using some randomly selected test prints from my photography practice as the base for this series of paintings: a bee and a flower, an open gate, my grandmother’s hand, and my partner and I holding hands. Also true: the selection wasn’t “random” and the foundation for these pieces is built on a prayer, an opening, ancestors, and love.
On this cotton paper I’ve already made some marks with red onion skins, wild myrtle leaves and dahlia petals. Also true: these are waste products from the kitchen, my art studio and a wilted bouquet of flowers.
Today I was drawn to use some navy blue acrylic paint and the stem of one of the flowers from yesterday to make my marks. I’m not sure it went well. No really, this is part of what’s happening here. Doubt. Also true: while I bring craft to bear on these pieces, listening to intuition, dancing with doubt, and letting go of perfection are all at play and are essential skills too.
Answers to this question so often show up as a “Yes, this. And ….” That complicates things (because I really like knowing THE answer…sigh). It also saves me, on the daily. In this world, where I want to and often do contract in fear or anger, it reminds me that more than one thing can be true at the same time.
In the background, dishes are being done, Chia Pet is requesting to go outside, the floor boards creak, and a crow gives voice.