an act of waking from sleep.
an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something.
coming into existence or awareness.
I have this memory, many times over actually, of lying in bed not able to fall asleep and getting caught up in the sounds & smells riding the cool night air in through the window by my bed. Often there’d come a point where it felt like I could actually dive into that stream and slip, my mind at least, out the window. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to travel like that. Yet somehow the experience found its way to the page, summoned by the alchemy of paint, and ink, and thread, and salt, and collage, and plant dyes.
About this series
Completed in 2022, these mixed media paintings were created on archival paper with plant-based pigments, acrylic paint, ink, collage, charcoal, conte crayon, thread, watercolor, and graphite.