Did you know that seeds breathe?
I don’t know why this is so surprising to me. I mean, I remember learning about plant respiration in grade school. But seeds? Well, it turns out I was thinking of seeds as dormant, but (of course) that doesn’t mean dead. While it’s not happening exactly like lungs do it, respiration is occurring, just on the cellular level. This thrills me! That we live in a world where seeds and so many other life forms are struggling to be, let alone thrive, is not lost on me. Not.one.goddamned.bit. So for a while now I’ve been making it a practice to save and nurture seeds, both literally and metaphorically. But now that I’ve read about cellular respiration? I have this picture in my head of them being, slowly breathing, and lying in wait…in a sort of feline way…ready to pounce. Ok, ok. I’m running amok. I just love seeds so much.
So here’s another thing. I’m also starting to feel thrilled by parts of this series I’m working on. It’s feeling alive. In fact, it is starting to speak to me. Like the bits below? They’re singing!!!
Y’all, this past week was no joke. There were interactions that threw me back into the rage and despair of my early organizing days and ways. I decided today that I’m going to keep going back, for the time being, because a) the work needs to be done and b) I’m resourced enough to do it (thanks in large part to my partner and other loved ones, including the furry one in the picture below). I also got clear today that I will keep showing up for, and sharing, this: the thrill of learning something new, the way art takes us places and tells us things, and seeds.
Thanks for being a part of this clarity. You probably didn’t know it, but you made my day.